No matter if it be missing teeth, chipped teeth, an uneven smile or tooth decay, restorative dentistry could be just what’s needed to restore functionality of the mouth and restore functionality for good.
Restorative dentistry refers to procedures designed to restore damaged or missing teeth that interfere with your ability to bite, chew, speak or laugh freely. The goal of restorative dentistry is to restore both function and integrity while improving appearance by strengthening tooth structure while creating natural looking results.
Restorative dental care may be recommended by your dentist for many different reasons; the most prevalent dental issues being addressed include:
Missing teeth, chipped and fractured teeth, gaps between your teeth, delayed or deceased teeth – are these all symptoms that require restorative dental care? Among others.
Restorative dentistry offers many advantages. Your dentist may recommend restorative treatment in order to:
Prevent and alleviate oral discomfort caused by broken, missing, infected or decayed teeth. Improve your appearance by replacing unsightly gaps or repairing stained, cracked and chipped teeth.
Improve the oral function, including chewing and speaking, by correcting painfully damaged or missing teeth or closing gaps between them.
Avoid major dental work and costly treatments in the future by treating cavities promptly; unattended missing teeth could require extraction, while unaddressed gaps could cause existing ones to shift out of place and require extraction as well.
Common Types of Dental Restorations
Restorative dental procedures range from minor repairs, such as fillings, to more extensive treatments such as surgical implants. Treatment plans depend on each patient’s specific needs and severity of damage to dental structures; sometimes several methods will be combined in order to restore them effectively.
Some of the more frequently performed types of dental restoration procedures include:
Fillings: Fillings are a popular and effective method for restoring teeth damaged by decay or damage, consisting of extracting decayed sections from teeth, cleaning the affected area thoroughly, and filling in cavities with filling material to prevent further decay while simultaneously restoring function and form to them.
Crowns: Crowns are custom-fitted caps used to cover damaged, decayed, or cracked teeth in order to restore them back to their natural size, shape, aesthetic appeal, and strength. Modern tooth-colored crowns are very resilient and look just like natural ones!
Dental Implants: When missing or extracted due to severe decay or damage, implants offer an ideal way to replace it. Made of titanium, an implant is surgically placed into the jawbone before receiving its crown attachment – so when complete they mimic the look, feel, and functionality of natural teeth perfectly.
Root Canals: When the root of a tooth becomes infected or inflamed, root canal therapy is often effective at relieving pain and saving it. Treatment includes extracting diseased pulp from within its canals of the tooth root, cleaning and disinfecting the affected area before sealing with special material to seal off space within.
Dentures: Dentures can provide a fast and affordable solution when replacing all your teeth at once. Dentures can rest atop gums supported by jawbone, while partial and implant-secured dentures may also be an option when only some or one teeth are missing.
Bridges: Dental bridges may be used when one or more teeth are missing, unlike implants which must be supported by surrounding teeth for support. Bridges can help replace missing teeth in rows without shifting adjacent ones – perfect when your neighboring ones shift unexpectedly!
Restore Your Healthy Smile
Restorative dentistry services provide many solutions for fixing worn, damaged, or missing teeth. As a result, restorative services allow patients to enjoy increased oral function, reduced dental pain levels and a restored natural smile.
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