Comprehensive Overview of Low Testosterone (Low-T)

1 min read

Low-T (Low Testosterone), also known as hypogonadism, refers to a condition in which one’s testes do not produce sufficient amounts of testosterone, the male sexual hormone. Although testosterone is most famously associated with sexual desire and desire, its importance goes well beyond sex drive – such as bone development and appearance factors. Treatment has become more mainstream over time due to reduced stigma around it. Low-T can have devastating repercussions for one’s health but treatment options have become less intimidating due to reduced stigma surrounding it.

Testosterone is essential in male development during puberty and adulthood, helping men acquire features such as facial and body hair, deeper voice, muscle strength and deeper voice. Men also depend on testosterone production sperm. As men age, their testosterone levels typically decrease; often this decrease is small but sometimes significant enough to cause issues and deficiency for patients; Low T (lack of Testosterone). Although its prevalence remains unclear, some estimates have estimated it affects two men out of every 100 men.

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